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Impacts from Space

Science and Cocktails dec, 11, 2012

Foredrag og soundscape med
Henning Haack – curator of the Natural History Museum’s meteorite collection og
Lars Lundehave Hansen – sound artist,  enthusiastic promotor and dedicated performer.

Impacts from Space



Our current time

Exhibition practices that make sense of our time, filtered through Stanford archaeologist Michael ShanksDesign Matters: what is (of our) human making?

Science and Cocktails 2012

27.november 2012
Biosemiotics: When living systems become minded
– Jesper Hoffmeyer og Søren Lyngsøe

Wetland Discovery Centre

Wetland Discovery Centre, Wetland Park
Hong Kong, China
(Met Studio Design, 2008)


wetland discovery centre, by met studio design

State Museum of Natural History

State Museum of Natural History
Stuttgart, Germany
Atelier Bruckner, 2007

state museum of natural history, stuttgart


dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel 9/6 – 16/9 2012 (100 dage)

Kunstfestivalen dOCUMENTA (13) – dOCUMENTA (13) foregår hvert fjerde år. Den er et eksempel på at et sted kommer på det kulturelle landkort via en tilbagevendende, midlertidig festival/event.

Jeg forestiller mig, at der vil være meget inspiration i forhold til udstillingsdesign, interaktivitet, multimedier, æstetik mv.

Jeg faldt lige over følgende hvor en meteorit spiller hovedrolle:



om documenta: …via dOCUMENTA (13) – dOCUMENTA (13)dOCUMENTA (13) is dedicated to artistic research and forms of imagination that explore commitment, matter, things, embodiment, and active living in connection with, yet not subordinated to, theory. These are terrains where politics are inseparable from a sensual, energetic, and worldly alliance between current research in various scientific and artistic fields and other knowledges, both ancient and contemporary. dOCUMENTA (13) is driven by a holistic and non-logocentric vision that is skeptical of the persisting belief in economic growth. This vision is shared with, and recognizes, the shapes and practices of knowing of all the animate and inanimate makers of the world, including people. (C. Christov-Bakargiev)

La Biennale di Venezia 2978 – 25/11 2012

La Biennale di Venezia – 13th International Architecture Exhibition. Wednesday August 29th until Sunday November 25th  2012

Arkitekturbiennalen fokuserer på forholdet mellem arkitektur og civilsamfund, og kommer herigennem også ind på forholdet mellem arkitektur og by- og regionaludvikling.

“Chipperfield’s exhibition is made up of resonances, where the irrevocable relationship between architecture, space, and town planning will re-emerge from the notes of the resonance”. siger bienallens president Baratta via La Biennale di Venezia – 13th International Architecture Exhibition. “Possible Greenland” åbner i Venedig

Geolog Minik Rosing har været hovedkurator på Possible Greenland, det danske bidrag til den 13. Internationale Arkitekturbiennale i Venedig

via “Possible Greenland” åbner i Venedig.